As a company with good governance, MM2100 Peduli carry out CSR activities with tenants as a manifestation of the action of care for the community and the environment. Not only that, but it upholds social enterprise responsibility through implementation-oriented activities, community empowerment so that all levels of Indonesian society can benefit. We always make sure that all CSR programs have a clear purpose. It can be seen in the four pillars that form the foundation of our programs: education, health, economic and environmental empowerment, and disaster response.
In the beginning of 2023, there are 2 CSR Programs that running and still progressing, Cianjur Earthquake Donation and also Social Activity for Surrounding Schools. For Cianjur Earthquake Donation, MM2100 Peduli with tenants already donate twice. The first donation we supply for daily needed, such as mom & baby’s cares, blankets, shirts, groceries, water pump, water tower, etc, at 14th December 2022 in collaboration with PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia) or known as Indonesian Red Cross Society to distribute the donations. The activity ran very well, even though the weather was having heavy rainy at that moment.

In second donation, MM2100 Peduli is more concerned at Infrastructure Demands. Therefore we conducted a survey to visit the damaged buildings and real-condition at some points at 13th January 2023 with Jabar Quick Response (West Java Voluntary Organizations). We did a visit and survey to Kp. Surupan & Kp. Barulega. The demands that we met there are more like temporary housing, clean water supply, toilets, and renovation for religious site (mushola). After paid a visit, we decided to build 3 toilets including clean water supply and electricity in collaboration with Jabar Quick Response. Next donation, MM2100 Peduli will collaborate with PMI to build Temporary Houses in Cugenang Area.

Second program that still running is Social Activity for Surrounding Schools. In this beginning 2023, MM2100 already got 3 visitors to our Fire Fighter Station. They are kindergarten and elementary students, from surrounding MM2100 Industrial Town area. We provide them with introduction to Fire Fighter team and equipment, and also with simulation actions when the fire incidents happened.

We realize that each individual has the capacity to do what is best for the well-being and progress of our nation. All he MM2100 Peduli committee and renters who are already participating in the CRS program are proud. Even if it means sacrificing your free time to dive directly into the community to support the CSR MM2100 Peduli program. There are many programs that we can do together. I hope that making a positive contribution to Indonesia will continue to make it better and happier.